Senin, 06 Oktober 2014

pelanggaran etika, tugas softskill

Pada tanggal 1 oktober 2014
Ada pelangaran etika yang terjadi tepatnya dilampu merah ganda agung kurang lebih pada jam 18.30 pada saat itu sedang berlangsung lampu merah karena disekitar lampu merah tersebut tidak ada polisi yang berjaga akhirnya beberapa pengendara sepeda motor berjalan saat lampu masih berwarna merah dimana artinya pada saat lampu berwarna merah seharusnya semua kendaraan harus berhenti ini malah asik menyerobot seenakanya.
Pada tanggal yang sama sekitar jam 20.35 saya beserta teman-teman sedang makan di alun-alun bekasi pada saat itu saya melihat salah satu pedagang  dengan seenak nya membuang sampah sembarangan yang membuat mirisnya saya melihat kantong tempat sampah sudah disediakan tapi kenapa masih saja membuang sampah dengan sembarangan.

Pada tanggal 3 oktober 2014
Pada saat itu saya baru pulang dari tempat teman saya disekitar jalan arah stasiun bekasi saya melihat pengendara motor yang sedang melawan arah jalan raya.
Keesokan paginya ketika saya  akan ke kampus sekitaran jalan depan RS. Mitra barat saya melihat pengendara sepeda motor memasuki jalur cepat yang seharusnya jalur tersebut tidak diperbolehkan untuk pengguna sepeda motor.
Malam hari sekitar perumahan alinda,bekasi timur saya lagi-lagi melihat pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh pengguna sepeda motor dimana sudah jelas-jelas terpasang rambu dilarang parkir tetpai masih saja ada yang parkir dibawah rambu tersebut
Pada tanggal 5 oktober 2014
Hari itu bertepatan pada hari raya idul adha semua orang datang ke masjid untuk sholat ied, pada saat berlangsung nya sholat ied saya melihat seorang ibu-ibu sedang membuang sampah sembarangan disekitaran halaman masjid.

Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

tugas softskill

Personal Details
Full Name                          :  Widiawati
Sex                                     :  Female
Place, Date of Birth           :  cirebon, 14-11-1992
Nationality                         :  Indonesia
Marital Status                     :  Single
Height, Weight                  :  155 cm, 45cm
Health                                :  Perfect
Religion                              :  Moeslem
Address                              :  Pesona Anggrek Harapan, block E5 number 15
MobilePhone                      : 085692676457
E-mail                                :
Educational Background

1999 - 2006   :  Karang Wangun 2 Elementary School, Cirebon
2006 - 2009   :  Junior High School  Babakan 1, Cirebon
2009 – 2011  :  Senior High School  Babakan 1, Cirebon
2011 - 2015   :  Accounting at University of Gunadarma, Kalimalang

Course & Education

2009-2010    :  Computer Course and Mathematics at Primagama, Cirebon
2013-2014    :  Tax Course (Brevet A & B) at Trisakti, Rawa panjang


- Accounting & Administration Skills (Journal Printing & Calculation, Ledger, Petty Cash   Payroll & Calculation, Inventory Controls, Project Data Updating, Teller, Salary Caldulation).
-  Computer Skills (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook, Web  Design, Programming, Internet Marketing, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop ).

Good attitude, kind, communicative, diligent, tolerant, target oriented, discipline, honest, and be responsible.

Personal Manager
ARW Corp.
Jl. Perjuangan no. 23
Jakarta 15677

Dear Personal Manager :
According with the job information that I have seen the Jakarta Post newspaper on 1st june 2014 for Finance Manager positions at ARW corp. Based on your company's job openings that I read in the paper.

I want to apply for a job position at the manager of the accounting firm you lead with the requirements already mentioned. I am 21 years old and I have graduated from GUNADARMA UNIVERSITY, majoring in ACCOUNTING on June 2011, I am single and have a good condition. I can speak English well and good in writing. My educational background is really satisfying and has a great ability in the field of Accounting.

I have a habit of working with a computer-first operate Microsoft Office applications, such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook, Internet, Email, or some special software such as MYOB Accounting, Zahir, and correspondence using English.

When can we meet for an interview? I may be reached at  085692676457. Your consideration is greatly appreciated.


Senin, 05 Mei 2014



15 kaliabang street
Harapan Jaya , Bekasi

Ref : NM / LS / 22C

23rd April, 2014

Abadi Corporation
Jati Nangor
Bandung , west java

Dear Sirs ,

To meet the public taste the rainbow cake , especially cake of high quality and have good taste in Calcutta and the surrounding area . Hereby we introduce ourselves as a company engaged in the manufacture of pastry with good quality . And this is our cake company named VERNANDA JAYA established since 1 April 2014 is located in the glorious expectation , North Bekasi .

Since our company was recently established then we will ask you about a company that has experienced :
1 . Promotion what is in accordance with our product ?
2 . When is the right time ?
3 . Whatever the medium that allows for the sale ?
4 . Equipment required sale?
5 . Total cost incurred for the promotion ?

Hopefully you want to reply to and answer questions from me . Thank you .

Yours sincerely ,

Director of Marketin


15 Jati Nangor
Bandung , west java

Ref : NM / LS / 22C

                                                                                                                          25 April , 2014

Vernanda Jaya Corporation
15 kaliabang street
 Harapan Jaya , Bekasi

We thank you for your letter of 23 April 2014 question . As requested we will answer the questions you asked .
1 . Promotion for your product using distribute promotional flyers and put your product in social media such as facebook , twitter , path , instagram , etc. so that your rainbow cake products more quickly recognized .

2 . The right time for promotion is every day more especially in multiply holiday promotion .

3 . Media that allows for promotion to hand out flyers and social media , even better if you log in television products .

4 . Equipment needed promotion ie flyers , putting social media such as roads , facebook , twitter , path , instagram , put a rainbow cake pastry shops in the other .

5 The total cost incurred for the promotion :
    Brochure printing pay Rp . 500,000 .
    Buying pulse to incorporate social media into Rp . 100.000/month .
    The total cost of the promotion : Rp . 600,000

After reading your letter and find out information about your product , I want to work together to promote your products , and of course I also corporate profits .

Your sincerely ,

Daffa Angganegara
Director of marketing